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What is the drainage point, what is it for and how should it be chosen?

It is a fundamental aspect that should not be neglected, since it makes it easier for water to run off in case of rain.

The guide will explain you, also through simple faq and illustrations, which angle to choose for the runoff point of your shade sail.

How to specify the correct water drainage point of your shade sail?

A basic aspect for an optimal water drainage is the correct indication of the drainage point.

Which corner would you like to specify as the water drainage point?

This corner (and the corresponding attachment point) must be the lowest point of your installation.


1) Corner A
deflusso A rettangolo.webp

2) Corner B
deflusso B rettangolo.webp
3) Corner C
deflusso C rettangolo.webp
4) Corner D
deflusso D rettangolo.webp


1) Corner A
Wasserblauf Dreieck A.webp

2) Corner B
Wasserablauf Dreieck B.webp
3) Corner C
Wasserablauf Dreieck C.webp


1) Corner A
Trapez A.webp

2) Corner B
Trapez B.webp
3) Corner C
Trapez C.webp
4) Corner D
Trapez D.webp

Frequently asked questions and answers:

Why is it important to indicate the expiry point correctly?

Each sail consists of 2 or more fabric tapes or fabric segments. These strips or segments are sewn according to the "roof tile principle". The higher parts of the fabric overlap the immediately lower segments like the roof tiles. In this way, the water flows off optimally without accumulating at the seams. Watertightness is thus guaranteed.

How much lower should the "drainage point" be positioned?

We recommend an inclination of approx. 25%. With a 5x5m sail, for example, the drainage point must be approx. 125 cm lower than the remaining corners

I have two or more masts with height adjustable mounting. What should I do?

It is important to indicate the main drainage point. If it rains, the indicated drain point must be lowered.
In good weather you can raise or lower any other corner as you wish.

I want to tilt the sail so that 2 corners are higher and 2 corners are lower. Which of the two lower corners should I specify as the payoff point?

In this case, any of the lower corners can be specified as the payoff point.
For example, it may be useful to specify the corner further away from the house or furniture.
The water drains at the desired corner and the rest of the area remains drier.

What happens if I do not specify the drain point correctly?

If the corner indicated as the drainage point is erroneously fixed higher than the other corners, the sail will not drain the rainwater properly.
The water would flow against the "roof tile principle", i.e. it would pile up at each seam.
In this case the tightness at the seams cannot be guaranteed.